Our Story
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a level of training to our players that ensures the highest level of social and athletic development and growth.
Playing the game professionally, having self-respect, and respecting others are the core values that this program was built upon. Being a Firecracker means you understand that you are beautiful, certain of yourself, and very capable of playing this game. Most importantly, you are striving to make the decisions that will provide you happiness for the rest of your life.
Play with Honor
PLAY with HONOR is intended to be a constant reminder that we are thankful to those that provided the things we have today. We want those who fought for us to feel appreciated every time they see us wearing “Play with Honor” apparel.
Can we ever say thank you enough to our soldiers, our parents and grandparents, our teachers and anyone else who has “fought” to give us the lives we have? When we wear our PWH apparel, we are spreading a message of thanks for the world to see.
Rico Foundation
The Rico Foundation was formed to provide assistance to players and programs that have limited resources and to help bring softball to those with the desire to play. With the contributions of our donors, we have been able to help with the costs of training, clinics, equipment and travel for players locally and internationally. We also have been able to assist with upgrading and repairing some of the fields and facilities at our local high school programs.
In 2012, the Rico Foundation’s first year, we contributed to the Noah’s Heart Foundation, and also sponsored a clinic put on by the AIGA Foundation for Polynesian softball players in Lakewood, CA.